Homeopathy medicine is a reliable alternative to modern medicine in treating autoimmune disorders including ulcerative colitis. Homeopathic medicines for ulcerative colitis moderate the overactive immune system. The extent of improvement and benefit will depend on a large number of factors including the duration and intensity (mild/moderate/severity) of disease, stage at which Homeopathy medicines are started and individual body response.
What is Ulcerative Colitis?
Ulcerative colitis is one among inflammatory bowel disease of autoimmune origin, the other being Crohn’s disease. The lesions in ulcerative colitis mainly involve the rectum and may spread to the sigmoid colon. In rare cases, the entire colon may get involved, a condition called pancolitis. Ulcerative colitis runs a relapsing and remitting course with periods of flare-ups and remission.
Why does Ulcerative Colitis arise?
The exact cause of ulcerative colitis is not yet known, but it believed to be a disease of autoimmune origin. Autoimmune disorders refer to a group of diseases where the immune cells of a person start destroying its own tissues out of a misdirected immune response. In ulcerative colitis, the body’s immune cells, that are meant to be activated while fighting an infection, get activated in the absence of a real infection out of a misdirected response. As a result, they start to destroy the lining of the colon, resulting in inflammation and ulcers in the colon and a set of other symptoms. A positive family history of ulcerative colitis puts a person at a higher risk of the disease.
How do I know I have ulcerative colitis?
The presence of a set of symptoms such as diarrhea with mucus and blood, abdominal cramps, pain in rectum while passing stool, an urgency to pass stool and tenesmus of the rectum (constant, ineffectual urge to pass stool) may point to ulcerative colitis. Anemia and weight loss may accompany. This clinical diagnosis underlines the need for further investigation with tests like a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and biopsy.
What does the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis involve?
In case ulcerative colitis is suspected on the basis of clinical symptoms, further laboratory investigations are advised. These include colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and biopsies of the mucosa taken from the colon. A biopsy, while aiding diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, also helps to differentiate it from Crohn’s disease.
I have been passing blood in stool. Is it due to ulcerative colitis?
Blood in stool is a major indication of ulcerative colitis. However, blood in stool is also noted in other conditions such as piles, anal fissures, and peptic ulcers, cancer even. Blood in stool appears in upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding or lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding as well. Further investigation in terms of stool examination, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy needs to be conducted before the exact cause can be established.
My stool contains mucus. Could it be ulcerative colitis?

Passing small amounts of mucus in stool is normal. But, passage of large amounts of mucus in stool may hint at an inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Mucus in stool could mean ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, malabsorption disease, anal fistula, parasitic infections or even cancer. You need to get the stool tested and further investigations such as endoscopy and colonoscopy done.
What complications can ulcerative colitis lead to?
Ulcerative colitis can lead to complications such as perforation of the colon, osteoporosis, severe bleeding, joint inflammation, eye inflammation, colon cancer, and toxic mega colon.
I take Mesacol for my ulcerative colitis. Can I stop taking it once I start my Homeopathy medicine?
At the start of Homeopathy treatment for ulcerative colitis, it is not advisable to stop taking Mesacol as the body is used to this medication. Stopping it abruptly could do the body more harm than good. In the initial stages of Homeopathy treatment, both Mesacol and Homeopathy medicines could be taken simultaneously. Gradually, as the body starts responding to Homeopathy medicines, Mesacol can be tapered.
Can Homeopathy Treatment completely treat/cure it?
Homeopathy medicines are highly effective in treating ulcerative colitis. However, the extent to which a patient will show recovery depends on the intensity of disease, duration of disease and individual response of the patient. Mild to moderate cases of ulcerative colitis recover wonderfully well under Homeopathy mode of treatment. In severe cases, Homeopathy medicines can provide great symptomatic management and support. Symptomatic management means controlling symptoms such as loose stool, mucus, blood, tenesmus, abdominal cramping and rectal pain arising in ulcerative colitis.
What is a perforated colon in ulcerative colitis, can Homeopathy treat it?
A hole, cut or tear in the colon is referred to as a perforation. In ulcerative colitis, the inflammation and ulcer weaken the colon wall and may lead to a tear or perforation in it. The condition is life-threatening. Intense pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting, swollen abdomen are indications of a perforated colon. A perforated colon in ulcerative colitis is a case of medical emergency and needs to be managed urgently with conventional allopathic medicine. Homeopathy is of no help in such cases.
What is toxic megacolon, can Homeopathy treatment for Ulcerative Colitis treat this condition?
Toxic megacolon is a serious complication of ulcerative colitis where the colon distends enormously and may rupture. The rupture of colon leads to blood infection (septicemia) and is life-threatening. Abdominal pain, high fever, and rapid heartbeat are symptoms of toxic mega colon. Homeopathy is of no use in toxic megacolon cases and it needs to be addressed on an urgent basis under the conventional mode of treatment.
I have ulcerative colitis and my hemoglobin is low. Are the two related?
Anemia is not uncommon in ulcerative colitis cases due to excessive blood loss in stool. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common.
Can lifestyle changes help to better manage ulcerative colitis?
Reducing stress levels and avoiding certain foods can work wonders on ulcerative colitis. Therefore, invest in a meditation, exercise, yoga class or take regular walks to bring down stress and stay calm. The food products that need avoiding are spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, and high fiber diet. In ruling these out of the diet, one is essentially preventing the symptoms from flaring up as often as before. It needs mention here that stress can increase these flare-ups manifold and must be avoided at all cost.
What are the Homoeopathic Medicines for Ulcerative Colitis?
Homeopathic medicines for ulcerative colitis can help manage symptoms, reduce the severity and frequency of flare-ups and even treatment ulcerative colitis based on individual case analysis. Some well-recognized medicines for Ulcerative Colitis are – Merc Sol, Merc Cor, Colchicum Autumnale, Aloe Socotrina, and Phosphorus so on. Note – Consult your homeopathic physician and discuss your case.
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Dr. Vidur SN Vithal BHMS; DNHE; MD (Hom.)
Internationally Renowned Homoeopath & Nutritionist.